Congratulations to Greg Pollock on His Promotion to Division President of ASL Now!

December 11, 2024

Since joining CSD in 2021, Greg has been a driving force behind the success of ASL Now’s Direct Video Calling (DVC), a communication solution that makes communication accessible and equitable for all Deaf and Hard of Hearing callers.  

Greg has also played a key role in securing funding for important initiatives, such as adding an ASL line to the 988 Crisis Lifeline’s services and advancing the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act (CVTA). He has worked closely with organizations such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), National Association of the Deaf (NAD), Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Information (TDI), and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Consumer Advocacy Network (DHHCAN) for greater communication access.  

“Direct Video Calling (DVC) is more than a revolutionary communications solution, it’s a movement - an embodiment of genuine communications independence for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals. ASL Now is that solution, right here, for you today.” 

We’re looking forward to the continued growth and impact that lies ahead! Follow this link to read the full press release: Communication Service for the Deaf Promotes Greg Pollock to Division President of ASL Now

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